Creative Networks is a Niagara-based company, which provides comprehensive I.T. services to businesses throughout the Niagara Region. We've been working in this field for many years and have vast expertise in implementing many solutions.

We believe in a committed partnership approach, where understanding your business, helps us to best serve you. We can assist you in creating a sound and sustainable platform that will meet and quite possibly exceed your expectations.

Creative Networks can handle your firms I.T. needs with an extensive range of solutions.

Solutions as basic as replacing a mouse or installing a printer to more demanding responsibilities such as server administration, including data back-up and file management, system security, e-mail administration, product licensing compliance, remote desktop, networking, and more.

We’ll help you develop a maintenance strategy which best suits your needs. With the ability to work remotely, we ensure there is no disruption to your regular work day.

We work in conjunction with other local contractors ensuring we have the right people for the job so the work gets completed promptly and accurately.

We support a broad range of businesses. Our smallest client, with only two users, appreciates the new degree of big business sophistication that a server and Internet-based solutions has given them.

On the other end of the scale the largest client we service has over 50 users and assigns virtually all of their server administration to our company.

With the cost of technology having dropped significantly over the last 5 years, small companies can now afford big business solutions once available to only the largest of companies.

Our clients have been pleasantly surprised with how much can be accomplished for so little.